
“Made in China” in American Outlets

I am a Chinese, so I am very interested in things or phenomena related to China or Chinese. Before I went to America, I heard there are a lot of cheap Chinese products in other countries but I’ve never experienced the power of “Made in China”. Last weekend, when I went shopping in Clinton crossing outlets in U.S.A. , I really felt the strong impact of “Made in China”.
Before I left for America, my 15-year-old daughter asked me to buy some shoes like Nike or Adidas for her, so I went directly to the store which sold Nike shoes. There were so many different kinds of Nike shoes displayed on the racks and they were of so many different color that I found it hard to choose. Just as I was looking at the shoes I found “made in China” printed on the inside of the shoes! Actually there are so many shops in Clinton crossing outlets which sold clothes or shoes made in China, including famous brands like Nike and Adidas.
     Later I knew because the labor is much cheaper in China, so in order to cut the expense on labor, many internationally famous brands choose to set up factories in China, and also in other Asian countries. In the outlets there are also a lot of clothes made in Vietnam, made in Cambodia, made in Indonesia, etc.

