
a busy-scheduled but very worthy trip

This afternoon we were scheduled to have a trip to a beach and then go to hike in a wood and then go to Carrie’s house and if time permits, we were going to an outlet.
Later when we arrived at the gym, we were told by the teachers that because the bus driver have to drive back before 4:30 pm so the trip to an outlet was cancelled.
After about half an hour’s drive, the bus stopped at a large parking lot and all of us got off. Obviously the first destination-the beach-was near. Before our eyes stretched a large area of green grassland and then trees. We walked along a pathway. Along the pathway there are not very tall trees, plants and beautiful flowers and wild fruits whose names we don’t know. We can see the beautiful cloud very easily because there were no buildings nor tall trees within our view. How wonderful it was to be so close to the nature and also to the sky! As the pathway zigzagged, finally we got a glimpse of blue, yes, “Wow, the sea” ,“Wow, the beach”, everyone of us exclaimed excitedly and quickened the steps and hurried forward. I also couldn’t wait to see the beautiful beach and followed them forward. The first thing that jumped into my eyes was blueness of the sea, which was so crystal blue and clear just that seemed even unreal. The sea rippled with slow rhythm. How can it be so boundless in either direction. For a moment I was awe-struck by the sea and remained still for a moment. Then I realized I must take pictures of the sea and the beautiful beach, because the second thing that jumped into my eyes was the colorful beach. The beach is not very broad but it was full of clear sand and very suitable for strolling. There were many people in the beach. They were all dressed in various different colors of bathing suits, some sitting on the chairs some lying on the sand of the beach some playing in the sea. They must find us funny because we were just like typical travelers, not wearing bathing suits and posing different gestures on the beach and taking pictures from the beginning to the end, but what did it matter , we just enjoyed ourselves and laughed merrily all the way.

After about 30- or 40- minute stay on the beach we set off again for the second destination: Peters Memorial Wood. Before we began our hiking in the wood, Carrie asked us to remain silent while we walked in the wood in order not to disturb the birds. We followed her words and her steps. We were like a team of explorers and enjoyed the wood silently, occasionally taking photos of the spectacular trees.

After we finished our hiking in the wood, we set off for the final destination: Carrie’s house. Carrie was so kind that she invited all of us to her house. The moment I went into the courtyard, my eyes were caught by the bowl of flowers hanging beside the entrance gate which seemed to smile and greet every guest who entered the house, and then I smelt light fragrance, soon I found in front of me a tree blooming with white flowers but behind the fence. On the left there were a lot of flowers whose names I didn’t know. As I stepped forward, I found there was a grape tree on my right side, just under the window of the living room. There were so many different plants in the yard that I find it difficult to focus on just one of them.  What attracted me more is the backyard which I soon found. It was so spacious that it must cover about two basketball courts. What’s more, there are two very tall big trees which provide shade over almost all the backyard. Between the two big trees there is a white super big hammock which is really eye-catching! After we lingered on the backyard and tried the hammock and took pictures with it, we visited Carrie’s house. This house is more than a hundred years old but it’s still in good shape. Carrie displayed everything she had collected and made room like a mini-museum and of course the house is very lovely and comfortable too.  What a wonderful house it is , so close to nature and so fit to live in!

